Nick Fleming

Nick Fleming

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Alamo - Day 4 Minecraft

Today in minecraft I built a roof for my chapel and detailed the inside a bit more. I also added the opposing forces which took a while because I had to get the skins and the weapons.

Monday 30 March 2015

Alamo Day 3 Minecraft


      Today I added a lot of details in the main courtyard and some buildings and I also worked on the chapel. the little details are hard to see but the campfires actually light up.


Alamo - Davy Crockett

                               Davy Crockett
              Davy Crockett was a volunteer for the Texas Revolution.
               He was a politician before he joined the fight and ultimately died in the battle of the                             Alamo. He is also recognised as an american folk hero. He fought in the battle of the
          Alamo, he was a major general for the Tennessee militia.Crockett was a part of congress
              for a total of 8 years. He is famous because of stories he told and that were told about                           him and his exploits.

Alamo - James Bowie

                                   James Bowie
                  James Bowie was the leader of the battle at the Alamo. He was a soldier, pioneer,                          smuggler and speculator. He is famed for his fighting skills and the knife he carried
             now known as the bowie knife. Bowie died during the battle of the Alamo while he was
              afflicted with pneumonia.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Alamo Day #2

Today I finished up most of the insides of the chapel parts and I finished the walls and buildings at the back.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Alamo Day #1

Today I build the layout for the chapel and the courtyard. It is for the alamo battle recreation in minecraft.

Monday 9 March 2015

Battle of the Alamo Post #1


The Alamo: It all started when the The Mexicans wanted Texans out of Texas because they felt it was theirs. Then a war started and they started having little skirmishes. The Alamo happened because The Mexicans came to retake their Town post from the Americans. The battle of the Alamo went on for 13 days but in the end they Mexicans one, their were losses on both sides ; David Bowie, Davy Crockett William B. Travis and an estimated 600 Mexicans.After that battle the Mexican president kept messing up and getting distracted and the Americans won because they were more organised and committed.


Friday 6 March 2015

Minecraft Esher's Staircase Day #2

This is my Esher's Staircase day #2. Today I built the pillars and the side building and added some details.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Esher's Staircase Day #2

Today I started on Esher's Staircase and I did the first steps and some of the walls.

MC Esher's Waterfall FINAL

This is my video of the Esher's Waterfall. In this video I show the illusion to the best of
my ability.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Minecraft Project Day #2

This is my minecraft day #2 Eshers Waterfall build. Today I did the rest of the foundations, did the rail and finished all the redstone.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Minecraft project Day #1

This Is my Esher's Waterfall Minecraft build. Today, day one for me I started the basic layout and started on the floor. I used a grayish brick for the layout and cyan brick for the floor.

Flag #6

This is my picture and gif of my flag #6, The Final.

Monday 2 March 2015

Flag #5 gif

This is my gif with a flag that I created, it actually runs!