Nick Fleming

Nick Fleming

Friday 5 June 2015

Robocraft FINAL

* My impression of Robocraft was that it had a lot of good things about it and a lot of frustrating things. the physics in the game were annoying at times but the fights and the overall goal of building and battling was awesome. The tech tree was also very cool and new to me.

* In Robocraft you should build a ship ASAP then go into battles to earn points to get better upgrades. Don't go raid the other base unless you have backup and remember to always have somebody watching yours.

* Some tips to help are : Press F when you get stuck and you can use WASD to get out if it, stay as a team and you will surely win. Other than that you need to constantly be upgrading to get to new tiers.

The Future of Robocraft  Robocraft in the future is going to expand so therefore they will be adding more gamemodes and other things to keep people playing, their goal is to become the best in this genre, better than the likes of Minecraft, They are also letting people buy preset cars to help those that like the battle aspect more.

Robocraft 5

This was the final day for Robocraft and I finally perfected my desired design. I made a ship that flew very well and did good damage. I used angled light blocks to enable it to fly better and I used hover blades to let it fly. I helped Koby today by teaching him about my design and all the uses of it. New players should strive to build a ship that can fly, because they are very useful.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Robocraft 3

 Robocraft today was all about upgrading my robot to the next tier. This is done with better parts and weapons. I got to tier 2 with many upgrades to my robot and then when I had tier 2 I could buy the upgrade to get flying abilities.These abilities are very hard to use and can be frustrating. This class I helped Brandon get to tier 2 because he didn't know how.


Tuesday 2 June 2015

RoboCraft 2

 RoboCraft Day 2
 In this class I messed around with the battle mode and the tech points making my robot better and
also trying to make me able to get Tier 1 and Tier 2 tech points. These points can be used to get better parts and you get them by winning battles in battle mode. The better your robot the better the points. I helped Jaxon discover this to


Monday 1 June 2015

RoboCraft Day 1

Today in robocraft I made my first robot. it was not very good and the handling was terrible so after some trial and error i found a better way to create that robot (I used three wheels). I should have made the robot lighter so that the handling was better but I used the heavy blocks because they protect better, so somebody new should use light blocks and heavy mixed to have a good balance of weight.
I also helped Koby learn how to use the item tree.

Thursday 28 May 2015

jaxon is the best  he is so inspiring. he is my best friend .  i hope one day ill be half the man he is today. i will miss him so much next year

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Paint Pot Poll


App Number 1

                                                                       App Link


Thursday 14 May 2015

Wednesday 13 May 2015


                                                           Landslide Link

Loch Ness Algadoo

                                                               Loch Ness Link

Save the Planet

                                                         Planet Link

Desert Gap

                                                         Desert Gap Link

Bridge Algadoo

                                                                    Bridge Link

Thursday 2 April 2015

Alamo Day 5

Today I didn't have a lot to do but I finished up the project with the npc's and the finishing details that bring it all together. I added James Bowie as a little nod to the original Alamo.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Alamo - Day 4 Minecraft

Today in minecraft I built a roof for my chapel and detailed the inside a bit more. I also added the opposing forces which took a while because I had to get the skins and the weapons.

Monday 30 March 2015

Alamo Day 3 Minecraft


      Today I added a lot of details in the main courtyard and some buildings and I also worked on the chapel. the little details are hard to see but the campfires actually light up.


Alamo - Davy Crockett

                               Davy Crockett
              Davy Crockett was a volunteer for the Texas Revolution.
               He was a politician before he joined the fight and ultimately died in the battle of the                             Alamo. He is also recognised as an american folk hero. He fought in the battle of the
          Alamo, he was a major general for the Tennessee militia.Crockett was a part of congress
              for a total of 8 years. He is famous because of stories he told and that were told about                           him and his exploits.

Alamo - James Bowie

                                   James Bowie
                  James Bowie was the leader of the battle at the Alamo. He was a soldier, pioneer,                          smuggler and speculator. He is famed for his fighting skills and the knife he carried
             now known as the bowie knife. Bowie died during the battle of the Alamo while he was
              afflicted with pneumonia.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Alamo Day #2

Today I finished up most of the insides of the chapel parts and I finished the walls and buildings at the back.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Alamo Day #1

Today I build the layout for the chapel and the courtyard. It is for the alamo battle recreation in minecraft.